Thursday, November 19, 2009

Love? Lust?? Desire???

He used to say he is totally committed to her, cannot think of anyone else, very possesive, true love according to him.

They got married and immediatly she got pregnant, he went to leave her to parents house,
while coming back he met a desperate aunty in the the bus, after a short chat they became so
called good friends and exchanged numbers.

After coming to mumbai he was alone and wanted to talk to someone
so started talking to this lady whom he had met in the bus, small talks changed into long conversations and then sex chat and finally being in bed with each other trying to satisfy each others so called needs.They kept meeting untill one fine day he met some other girl while waiting at the bus stop.

She was going home from work,and he was staring at her, he took the same bus which she took and was sucessful in grabbing a seat next to her, he started a conversation and by the time the girl reached her destination they had already exchanged numbers.

Again the same, small talks on fone, long converstaions, sex chats and finally he was sucessful taking her to bed. The earlier lady was married and also knew about this guys marraige but this girl wasnt aware of his marraige and was under impression he is a bachelor, she fell him, and started asking him to get married. This guy took her to bed a couple of times and when her questions about marraige started irritatin him, thought of dumping her.

By this time his wife had already delivered a baby, he visits them regularly and awaiting their return home.....

what is this?





I was lust after all these months, thats what my conclusion is. Even after the return of his wife he was regularly in touch with the girl with whom he was dating while his wife was away for the delivery.

Every time they used to meet, he used to discuss his intimacy with me next day, all I could do is listen to it and advise him to get out of his for the sake of his wife and child.

Now the situation is, the wife knows everything about his extra marital affair as she claims one of her close friend had seen him with that girl. This guy promises her every time that he will leave her but all in vein when it comes to having sex with her.

He disclosed to her that he is married, but did not tell her about the child, she tried to slit her wrist, he showed off by breaking a bottle on his head, wife called her and told asked her who she was, she claimed to be his wife, wife told her about her child, she said she is not bothered whether he is married or having a child, she is her wife and cannot leave him, she will kill her self if he leaves her.

I think now he is more free and comfortable as both wife and the girl knows about him, in spite of all promises he still keeps in touch with her, meets her and every single day says the same phrase, "Today is the last date".........................

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